주최: Asian American Youth Council

대상: 미국거주 고등학생

대회: 글짓기 대회.

주제: ‘증오를 막고 바이러스를 막자’

What is your personal outlook and solution on Asian Hate Crimes due to COVID-19?


본교 박유빈 학생 2등상 수상





Youbin Park


Weave the World into Unity and Solidarity



An international student from Korea was assaulted while entering a building on West 34th Street. The suspect asked her, "Where's your mask?" She then proceeded to grab the victim by the hair and punch her in the face. The woman allegedly also told the victim, "You've got coronavirus, you Asian." (Source: ABC-NY)


What emotions and thoughts stir up as you read the content of this article? Are not emotions of shame, fear, and anger rising in a whirlwind of inexpressible emotions? All these hate crimes were caused by the perception that COVID-19 originated from China, and looking further, from Asia. The racial segregation and xenophobic words and actions followed by the spread of the virus, known as “Corona-racism” is increasing anti-Asian assaults, harassment and hate crimes toward Asian Americans. Therefore, I would like to introduce the causes and the backgrounds of this issue and the solution for everyone around the globe.


Foremost, several factors play a role in Asian Hate Crime during this pandemic outbreak. First, the misleading information and the lack of information on the virus has caused misconception towards Asian Americans. The press did not bother to stop relating the virus to China or Asia even after the World Health Organization warned anyone from naming the virus from its origins. To Americans, COVID-19 was introduced as “Wuhan Virus,” and this has implemented the misconception that the blames for this virus are people from Asia. Second, xenophobia- dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries- had a significant impact on Asian Hate Crimes. Intense hatred for foreigners with different cultures and the generalization that immigrants cause all the unpleasant conflicts in the country are raising the cases of Asian assaults. Third, people’s fear of this virus and the psychology of blaming others are increasing racial slurs being done to Asian Americans. Lastly, the politicians' use of “outdated script” plays a considerable role in agitating the public. For instance, a few politicians around the world continuously related this virus to China’s fault. The politicians’ words will be perceived as facts for those who ardently support them and will think in the same way as those who blame Asians.


Therefore, to prevent any innocent victims, what must be done to change people’s perspectives on this virus? First, the press should not relate COVID-19 to a particular group, region, or race. This crisis is caused by the inherent danger of the virus, not by the specific race. The virus does not discriminate people, and everyone around the globe is exposed to the danger of the virus. That is why the press which delivers the message to the public should stop relating the pandemic to a specific region and prevent further misconceptions. Second, the public should put themselves in the victim’s shoes and sympathize with the Asian hate crimes victims. To do so, Asian Americans should keep informing the public through social media and online websites about the hate crimes that Asian Americans are experiencing today. Also, Asian Americans should give help to those who are afraid to report their incident to the public and help them share the injustice that they experienced. Lastly, the government and the political leaders should take more responsibilities and be careful of their words. They should not blame anyone for this virus and find practical solutions for their citizens.


Humanity needs to make a choice right now. Will we go on a path of division or a path of global solidarity? If we choose global solidarity, we need to recognize the crisis of COVID-19 as a global problem and overcome racial conflicts. We should not stigmatize one race any longer and provoke more conflicts in the global society. Block the Hate, Block the Virus!


Reference: ABC 7 news article, “‘Where's your (expletive) mask?’: Asian woman attacked in Manhattan hate crime”








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